Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Center Stage Dance Academy

OK, so we shot nearly 1600 images at the recital during the matinee and evening performances. That a lot of images, nearly 400 per hour. I never would have thought that many would be taken, but the recital was great, so you just shoot and shoot.

After culling about 300 of the images, we've been trying to get about 1300+ online since Sunday night. It has been a nightmare and the solution was not the best, but it worked and the images are posting as I type this. The photos are grouped according to the dance name. If you know their outfit or dance name, you will have no problem finding them.

These images were to be posted Sunday night/Monday morning, but a server issue (that is still unresolved) reared its head again. The weekend before the recital, the data that makes up our website, and five others we host, was moved to a new machine. After we caught up with the change, all looked well. Then I needed to post images to our Gallery and things fell apart again. We've got two Gallery sites, so if one doesn't work, then the other will. Not in this case. Long story short, the server oompaloompas still don't have it fixed so we installed Gallery on our First Edition Custom Printing site and got things moving again.

The Gallery on the Graphicsmith Studios site is due for retirement with the new site, so it may not get fixed for new images. The one over at is due for an upgrade, so it will get fixed with the upgrade. Both still work, but we can't put new photos up until they are fixed.

Most of the new portraits and weddings are going to our new online proofing site anyway.

I hope everyone enjoys the dance photos.
